Mmmmm Coffee, yes I drink it every day pretty much also tea. But anything this good must be bad, right?
That's the seems to be the attitude when it comes to caffeine, isn't it? We crave it. We guzzle it. Drinking coffee and tea makes
us feel good — better able to handle an overbearing boss or an unruly
pack of toddlers. But then... we feel guilty about it, suspecting that
sooner or later, it's going to do us in.... Dun Dun Dun!..
In reality, it's not the guilty pleasure everyone makes it out to be —
in fact, caffeine side effects can do you good. So feel free to grab a
tall breakfast blend while we set the record straight.
True or False
Long-term caffeine consumption is just plain bad for me.
False. That myth exists in part because smokers, who metabolize caffeine twice as fast as nonsmokers, drink more coffee drinks. But nicotine, not caffeine, is the culprit.
As long as you don't have high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, or
anxiety, drinking caffeinated beverages for years is no problem.
Caffeine improves my game.
True. In terms of performance during your cardio workout,
caffeine could be the difference between first place and last. Without caffeine, not only are you a little slower
mentally, you're lagging physically. Caffeine stimulates you to
exercise 10 to 15 percent longer, because it keeps you from getting as
tired. It's also a mild analgesic,
so you can work out longer before you start to feel sore.
Caffeine alters my body chemistry.
True. Caffeine is a natural stimulant, and 250 milligrams of it —
about the amount in two cups of strong coffee — will triple the amount
of adrenaline in your bloodstream, increasing your respiratory rate. In
your brain, caffeine intercepts adenosine, the chemical that slows down
our nerves and signals the need to sleep. It also increases dopamine
levels, stimulating pleasure centers. Caffeine, therefore, has the
magical ability to make you feel both alert and relaxed.
Caffeine makes me smarter.
(who knew)
True. A cup of coffee before you write your performance review
isn't a bad idea. "It improves cognitive functions" by blocking that
brain-slowing adenosine, says Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a food chemist at the
University of Scranton. When given caffeine equal to two cups of coffee,
severely sleep-deprived Navy Seal trainees improved their alertness,
vigilance, learning, and memory by as much as 60 percent. Now I wouldnt recommend not studying but caffeine cant hurt. = )
Caffeine causes high blood pressure.
False. The
Journal of the American Medical Association
recently reported that caffeine doesn't put you at risk for
hypertension, although something else, unknown to scientists, in sugared
and diet colas does. In people with normal blood pressure, any change
in heart rate is not only "too small to measure," Dr. Graham says, but
it disappears within minutes of your first cup. If you already have high
blood pressure, however, avoid excessive intake, says Lynne Shuster,
M.D., director of the Mayo Clinic's Women's Health Clinic, because
caffeine can exacerbate a pre-existing condition. The same goes for
those who suffer from heart arrhythmia or anxiety — caffeine can trigger
arrhythmia in those who are prone to it and can worsen anxiety.